International meeting by video conference
The annual international meeting of the Enlarged General Council, with members from Madagascar, the USA and Europe, rescheduled twice in 2020, took place recently by video conference.
From January 11 to 18, 2021, fifteen Sisters of Divine Providence were in front of their computer screen. In the US it was 8 in the morning, in Europe it was 2 in the afternoon, while in Madagascar it was already 4 p.m. A translator and a facilitator were also virtually present to share with the group their respective skill.
In the course of three sessions, each provincial superior presented the reality and the activity of her province and questions about the future of the provinces and the congregation were surfaced. Four sessions were devoted to finance questions. The work was carried out in breakout groups and in general assembly. The technology, with more or less efficient internet connections wasn’t always perfect but it allowed the Sisters to move forward in their work.
During this time when the thermometer registered near 90 in Madagascar, a blanket of snow covered the park at St. Jean de Bassel, France: VIDEO 3’38”