In 1889, the diocese of Covington, Kentucky was chosen as the new field of ministry where the Sister teachers could freely exercise their profession, a work that was threatened in France by the Kulturkampf.
Today, the Sisters are spread out over 5 States and have 28 places of ministry. Most of these are in Kentucky. The ministries are varied:
• Education and instruction
o Teaching, EFL, tutoring
o Working with adults: bible and prayer groups
o Catechesis
o Campus ministry
• Charitable and social work
o Visits to the sick and elderly
o Presence in senior residences
o Volunteer service at Catholic Social Services, St. Vincent de Paul, soup kitchens
o Sponsorship of a residence for young women in New York
• Health care
o Midwifery
o Hospital chaplaincy
• Actions in favor of justice and peace
• Administrative Services in the Province
• Ministry of prayer
To learn more, see: