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Nothing is more important than the education of the young;
the whole of life depends on youth.
Jean-Martin Moye
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It is charity alone that should activate you in everything and everywhere.
Jean-Martin Moye
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As for me, I expect everything from Providence;
I have confidence in it alone.
Jean-Martin Moye
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Practice towards everybody the works of mercy.
Jean-Martin Moye
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JULY 2024

July 23 – Madagascar : After a 24-hour journey, Sr Anny and Sr Perline were warmly welcomed by the Hell-Ville community in Nosy Be. Tomorrow, the final leg of their journey: a boat crossing from Nosy Be to the Big Island to reach Antsohihy, where the Provincial Chapter will open on Sunday July 28.

July 15 – France  Provincial Chapter Europe:  Here is the compostion of the new Provincial team : From left to right: Sr Marie Louise WALTER, Sr Evelyne BONNAUDET, Provincial, Sr Béatrice GUTH, Vicar Provincial and Sr Christiane BROSSET.

July 14 – France – Provincial Chapter Europe : Sr Evelyne BONNAUDET is elected Provincial Superior. May God’s Providence accompany her in this responsibility, at the service of all her Sisters. ALBUM PHOTOS and VIDEO

July 13 – France – Provincial Chapter Europe: Today, a day of prayer. Tomorrow, election of the Provincial Superior.

July 11: France : Provincial Chapter of Europe: the Sisters’ work moves them from their tables: in front of the screen they discover the work of all, or they are active spectators and take part in a role-playing game… ALBUM PHOTOS

July 9 – France: Provincial Chapter of Europe: Day of work with lay people linked to the Sisters in various ways: members of the Fraternity, the “Youth and Vocations” group, employees of the Mother House, members of groups reflecting on the future of the Convent, members of the “Friends of Providence” Association, the Economic Council and the Emmaus integration project. ALBUM PHOTOS

July 7 – France : The Sisters of the Province of Europe have been meeting since this morning for the Business Chapter and the election of the Provincial Council. Please remember them in your prayers.

Three videos of the opening celebration of the European Provincial Chapter:

Procession of offerings:

Call of the 30 Capitulantes:

Exit procession:

 JUNE 2024

June 29: The chapel of the Mother House in Saint Jean de Bassel welcomed the European Jubilee Sisters of 75, 70 and 60 years of Religious Life, as well as a Malagasy Sister currently in Community in Poitiers, for her 25 years of Profession. We give thanks for and with them. Below you’ll find a photo album and five videos. Album photos

Sr Odile, Vicar Provincial of the European Province, speaks to the Jubilee Sisters. VIDEO

Sr Odile calls the Jubilee Sisters. VIDEO

Procession of offerings – Malagasy song and dance. VIDEO

The Jubilarians sing: “From my heart sprang this beautiful poem, my whole life, I offer it to the Lord.” VIDEO

Song of thanksgiving led by the Malagasy Sisters:  VIDEO

June 22 – USA: The Provincial Chapter of our U.S. Province concluded today with prayers of thanksgiving, the renewal of vows, and singing the Magnificat. And now, onward in hope, joyfully trusting the future to Divine Providence!

June 20 – USA: 3 photos showing the eight Jubilee Sisters,  the new Provincial Team and all the Sisters of the Province with, in the back row on the left, Sr Anny Deutsch, Superior General and Sr Kay, General Councillor.


June 19 – USA: Please join us in praying for our new Provincial Councillors who join Sr. Barbara Rohe, re-elected as Provincial, in leadership of our Province for the next five years. From left to right: Sr. Lynn Stenken, Sr. Mary Cashman, Sr. Margaret Stallmeyer, and Sr. Leslie Keener. Deo Gratias!

June 17 – USA: Please join us in praying with our Sisters in the United States as they meet this week to for the Chapter of Business and election of the Provincial Council.

June 16 – USA: Let us give thanks with our eight Sisters in the United States who celebrated their jubilee: four celebrated 70 years of religious life, four others 60 years.  ALBUM PHOTOS

June 8:  France at Saint Jean de Bassel – PEDAC’s “feux de la musique” (music and dance school) livened up the courtyard of the Mother House, in front of the chapel: ALBUM PHOTOS

VIDEO – Danse des enfants

The “Les Enflammées” show brought the evening to a close: 4 videos below:

Enflammées n° 1

Enflammées n° 2 “saut à la corde”

Enflammées n° 3

Enflammées n° 4 “jonglerie”

June 7 – Feast of the Most Sacred Heart. Today’s Eucharist is for the Congregation and the Associates. “I recommend to you a special devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.” Jean Martin Moyë
Statue of the Sacred Heart in the park of the Mother House.

June 1 – France : The Sisters of the General Team worked all week at the Convent of Saint Jean de Bassel. They prepared the animation of the Congregation and the important meetings for the coming year.



Abandon à la Providence | La pauvreté évangélique | La simplicité | La charité apostolique

Ce sont là des attitudes intérieures qui donnent force et dynamisme pour vivre une vie de Providence.