Jean Martin's audacious faith in the Providence of God and his missionary zeal quickly attracted collaborators, clergy and laity. A true spiritual master, Jean Martin Moye left us a rich heritage in his writings. Seven congregations, associate groups, and consecrated lay persons draw their inspiration from this heritage and place themselves at the service of their brothers and sisters through the works of mercy.
Sisters from the 7 Congregations meet regularly to deepen their common spirituality and to collaborate in the mission of the universal Church. To celebrate the 250th anniversary of their foundation, they established a common mission in Haiti in 2012.
Congregation des Soeurs de la Providence de Gap
Congregation of Divine Providence of San Antonio
Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence
Congregation des Sœurs de la Providence et de l'Immaculée Conception de Champion
Congregation des Sœurs de la Providence de Portieux
Congregation des Sœurs de la Divine Providence de Ribeauvillé
German-speaking Congregations of Providence
Sharing the spiritual treasure of a life of Providence goes beyond boundaries. Throughout history, bonds were woven with German-speaking congregation. Regular meetings reinforce these relationships.
Schwestern der Göttlichen Vorsehung von Münster
Dienerinnen de Göttlichen Vorsehung von Schönbrunn
Schwestern der Göttlichen Vorsehung von Mainz
Schwestern der Göttlichen Vorsehung von Baldegg (Suisse)