Diocese Honors Three Sisters
Three Sisters of Divine Providence were recently honored by the Diocese of Covington. Sisters Janet Marie Bucher, Frances Moore, and Margaret Stallmeyer received the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Cross from Bishop Roger Foys at a ceremony held at the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption. This award, established in 1888 by Pope Leo XIII, is given to lay persons and clergy in recognition of outstanding service to the Church.
The brochure prepared for the event described the contribution of each recipient. “Sr. Janet has a passion for serving the needs of underprivileged people. She has a passion for social justice and makes every effort to promote unity among peoples of diverse backgrounds. Since 1991 she has served faithfully and well as Parish Life Collaborator of Our Savior Parish.”
“Sr. Fran has served in many different positions of leadership within her congregation, including Provincial Superior. She serves the local Church as Vicar for Religious and as a member of many boards and committees.”
“Sr. Margaret has served the Church using her gifts of leadership in institutions of Catholic education including as President of Thomas More University and currently as Director of of the Tribunal. She also serves on various boards of institutions of higher learning.”