The Sisters of the US Province committed themselves to a study of Laudato Si. As part of this ongoing study, their Christmas Assembly included two guest speakers: Father Bill Cleves, a longtime friend of the community and a highly respected
Toward the end of December, Jean François Petit, Assumptionist and professor at the Catholic Institute of Paris invited the Sisters of Saint Jean de Bassel Convent to a presentation on the final document of the Synod of Bishops for the
November 21, 2019 marked the , founder of the Sisters of Divine Providence of Saint Jean de Bassel. Moye, a parish priest in pre-revolution France, was struck by the intellectual and material poverty of the people in the rural area
Sunday October 20 was a celebration of Fall and nature at the Convent of the Sisters of Divine Providence in Saint Jean de Bassel. A number of exhibitors and local producers were present. There were workshops in calligraphy, sculpting, painting,
On October 13, the village church of Cutting, birthplace of Jean Martin Moyë, welcomed parishioners from the region, Sisters from Saint Jean de Bassel and from Portiuex to celebrate the memory of Moyë, missionary in Europe and in China. Jean
In preparation for the centennial of the promulgation of the Apostolic Letter of Pope Benedict XV which gave a new mission thrust to the Church of his era, Pope Francis has proclaimed the month of October 2019 ‘the extraordinary mission
During the provincial chapter of the Province of Madagascar the delegates have chosen the leadership team for the next five years. Sr. Alphonse Marie Antinany was re-elected for five years. To assist her in her responsibilities, three councilors were chosen:
On September 7 three Sisters from the Province of Madagascar embarked on an adventure of Providence with Sisters from other congregations in the large family of Providence. Sisters Jocelyne and Yvette have joined Sisters of Divine Providence from Ribeauville, France
« Each Christian man and woman, every member of the human family, can act as a thin yet unique and indispensable thread in weaving a network of life that embraces everyone. » Pope Francis Pope Francis invites all from the