

November 27 – Saint Jean de Bassel: Our international meeting continues with updates from our provinces in Europe, Madagascar, the USA, and our mission in Ecuador. There is much sharing and good discussions following the updates. During Mass today, Sr. Barbara Rohe shared a reflection on the Gospel. Sr Christiane Brosset assisted by reading the reflection in French.

November 25 – Saint Jean de Bassel: Today, some of the Sisters at our international meeting joined with Emmaus, an organization sharing some of our agricultural land, and others from nearby villages to plant 25 apple trees in our orchard. In three years, there will be lots of good apples!

November 24 – Saint Jean de Bassel: opening of the CGE – Conseil Général Elargi. Thank you in advance for your prayers. ALBUM PHOTOS

November 13 – Madagascar : These days, the participants in the last Provincial Chapter hand over the Chapter Acts to the Sisters of the Province, here in the Analalava community. (translate by DeepL)

November 4 – USA: On the day before of the presidential election, we invite you to join in the prayer and fasting of our sisters in the United States Province, for their country.


Madagascar: on November 1, 8 young women will enter the Postulancy (1st step in religious life). Please pray for them.


September 30 – Ecuador : Sr Liliane sends us photos of the indigenous celebration of the Eucharist; the priest intervenes only for the consecration. Penitential rite performed by representatives of the Kichwa, Shuar and Waorani peoples. ALBUM PHOTOS

September 28 – Madagascar :At the Eucharist marking the start of the new school year for Catholic establishments in the Antsohihy district, three of our school’s pupils who achieved the best results in the district in the official examinations of the past school year were rewarded by the municipality. Congratulations to them and their teachers.

September 25 – During Creation Month, let us unite in prayer with our American Sisters: Provident God, even now you manifest your presence in this moment as it unfolds and permeates all creation. Help us to a continued growth in our openness to recognize your presence in all that is. May our contemplative awareness grow into ever deepening love and commitment to protecting what you, Provident God, have entrusted into our care. Amen.

September 21-22 – France – Saint Jean-de-Bassel: For the fifth year running, the Convent opened its doors for Heritage Days. On Saturday, visitors were able to take part in a tour of the Convent, a walk in the park to awaken their five senses, and various workshops: marbled paper, handmade paper, bread making, Qi gong… On Sunday, the inner courtyard welcomed numerous exhibitors, including stands manned by our Sisters: doilies and embroidery,  handicrafts from Madagascar, and tasting of « sambos », without forgetting waffles. In the photo album you can see our Sisters visiting the stands. After a variety of activities, the day ended with an ecumenical prayer.ALBUM PHOTOS

September 17 – Madagascar: It’s back-to-school day at the Sainte Marie elementary school run by our Sisters in Nosy Be. The school has around 1,300 schoolchildren and 29 teachers. Sr Anny wished them a very happy new school year in the presence of a few parents in the school yard. VIDEO

September 15 – France: The Council of the European Fraternity met this weekend at the Bethlehem monastery in Nemours to prepare for the new year in fraternity. We joyfully welcomed the new provincial of Europe and, like all new members, she had to answer a questionnaire on the life of Jean Martin… and to validate her integration, she had to eat rice with chopsticks! It was a very productive and festive weekend! ALBUM PHOTOS

September 14 – Madagascar: The stay in Madagascar comes to an end. Srs Alphonse Marie and Marguerite accompany Srs Anny and Perline to cross the sea by boat from Ankify to Nosy Be, where they will catch the Tuesday September 17 flight to Paris.

September 10: France – Saint Jean de Bassel : First session for the Provincial Administration: The Provincial Council has appointed Sister Francine BURG as Provincial Treasurer. Sister Agnès LANG brings her skills to help the new Team get off to a good start.  OTHER PHOTOS

September 9 – Madagascar: For two days, Sr Anny and Sr Perline lead a session on initial formation guidelines. 20 Sisters attended: formation and community leaders, and the newly elected Provincial Council.

September 7 – France: At the retirement home St Joseph in Saint Jean de Bassel, Sr Clara celebrated her Jubilee of 70 years of religious life. She was surrounded by a number of sisters. The Eucharist was followed by a festive meal, in good company. We give thanks with and for Sr Clara. OTHER PHOTOS

September 6 – Madagascar: In Antsohihy, 51 Sisters who have made a definitive commitment to the Congregation began a 2-day session on the theme: accompanying young women on their path to integration into the Congregation.

Madagascar – September 1 (supplement) :
5 Sisters made their first profession. Our prayers are with Léa, Josée Aline, Aimée Rita, Perline and Klodia.

September 3 – Madagascar
Sr. Anny and Sr. Perline lead the session: “Being accompanied on the path of integration into the Congregation”. 37 junior Sisters take part.  ALBUM PHOTOS

September 1 – Madagascar – Big party in Bealanana
In the photo album: Procession of the Sisters and the Word of God, with the first 3 Sisters to arrive in Madagascar honoured; the professed Sisters, jubilarians with the Superior General and the Bishop at the end of mass; 4 members of the Bealanana Fraternity made their commitment and the stele donated by the school’s alumni was inaugurated. ALBUM PHOTOS 
In the photo album: First vows of the 5 Novices and signatures; Perpetual vows: litany of the Saints, commitment of the Sisters, welcome by Sr. Anny, Superior General, signatures; Renewal of the vows of the Jubilarians; At the end of the Eucharist, welcome by the Bealanana Fraternity group. ALBUM PHOTOS 
Celebration cakes: Professed and Jubilee Sisters gather around the cakes to be cut with the General and Provincial Superiors. ALBUM PHOTOS
Children dance during the singing of the Gloria . VIDEO
Procession of the Word of God VIDEO
Sr Armeline, one of the four perpetually professed Sisters, makes her commitment. VIDEO
Sr Anny welcomes Sr Armeline to the Congregation. VIDEO


August 31 – Madagascar:

Festivities begin this Saturday morning. Mass at 6 a.m. in a packed parish church. At the end of the celebration, the parents of the Sisters who will commit themselves tomorrow and those of the Jubilee Sisters bless them. In Madagascar, the blessing of parents ratifies the important choices of a lifetime. ALBUM PHOTOS
Blessing of the Jubilee Sisters and those who will be joining on the following day. VIDEO
During the blessing, everyone sings and dances: VIDEO
After the blessing, the Jubilee Sisters and those who will be joining us the following day express their joy and thanksgiving. VIDEO

After the Bishop’s talk this morning, the program continues with the traditional welcome of the oxen: two oxen will be killed to feed all the Sisters present, including those taking their first vows, those making their definitive commitment and the Jubilee Sisters, members of the Fraternity, priests, members of the Sisters’ families and lay people. The Jubilee Sisters and those taking vows tomorrow stand in front of the ox. ALBUM PHOTOS
The two oxen: we sing and dance with the oxen. VIDEO
Theater of Novices: presentation of the history of the arrival of the CDP Sisters in Madagascar. VIDEO
The Novices retrace the different stages in the life of our founder, Jean Martin Moyë. In the PHOTOS ALBUM you will see :
1. Jean Martin gives his shoes to a poor man 2. Jean Martin Moyë in long prayer 3.Meeting with Marguerite Lecomte and her companions 4. Sending on a mission 5. The first Sisters share their experience with the Novices 6.. JM bids farewell to his family before leaving for China 7. JM meets Malagasy slaves on Mauritius, where he stopped off 8. 1950: arrival of the first 3 French Sisters in Bealanana.

August 30 – Madagascar : Preparing for the feast in Bealanana. The families of our jubilee Sisters and those about to make their vows are welcomed. The Sisters and members of the Fraternity, including the children, are active: fetching water, baking cakes, preparing meat and vegetables, cooking rice for the meal. ALBUM photos

August 28 – France: 3 young Malagasy sisters renewed their vows today at the Poitiers Community in France. May God’s Providence give them much joy and perseverance. ALBUM PHOTOS

August 26 – Madagascar – Closing Eucharist of the spiritual retreat for 65 Sisters. 32 young Sisters renew their vows. Future Postulants welcomed. ALBUM PHOTOS

The Juniorists enter in procession:VIDEO
Sisters call: VIDEO
Renewal of vows: VIDEO
Procession to sign the committments: VIDEO
Thanksgiving for the 32 Juniorists: VIDEO
The Sisters receive their mission letters: VIDEO
Feast meal: VIDEO
Dessert is provided: VIDEO

August 23 – United States: On August 23, 1889, Sister Chantal ARTH, Sister Lucie DAMIDIO and Sister Camille SCHAAF arrived in the United States from France. 135 years later, the Sisters joyfully continue their mission to live in faith in Providence and to be providence for their brothers and sisters wherever they live: in Alabama, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Ohio and South Dakota. Happy founding anniversary.

August 19 – Madagascar: After the Chapter’s closing celebration, Sr Anny and Sr Perline work for two days with the newly-elected Council in order to take the measure of the mission entrusted to them.

August 18 – Madagascar: In the photos album below you can see:
The new Provincial Council presented to the parish with Sr Perline and Sr Anny.
The festive meal with all the Sisters present in Antsohihy: the Capitulantes, those who have already arrived for the coming week’s spiritual retreat: arrival of dessert, thanks to the outgoing provincial team and welcome to the new team.
The outgoing team entrusts the new Council with the task of caring for and growing the Province symbolized by this plant.
The Sisters of the new team wear the lamba of service.
We must also listen to the cry of those whose hope is threatened, embodied here by the Novices.ALBUM PHOTOS

The Sisters of the new Team have the four fundamental virtues of the Congregation: Abandonment to Providence, Charity, Poverty and Simplicity with salt and light, to guide the Province. VIDEO

The Sisters of the new team are clothed in the service lamba by those of the old team. VIDEO

Gifts and thanks for the outgoing team. VIDEO

The Sisters sing and dance as they bring the cakes and gifts. VIDEO

In a play, the novices portray people whose hope is threatened (in line with the Orientations of the 2023 General Chapter: « impelled by the energy of our Fundamental Virtues, with God Providence in the heart of this world,listen to the cry of those whose hope is threatened… » VIDEO

August 17 – Madagascar – Provincial Chapter: the Acts of the Chapter are signed, Sr Gabrielle Marie declares the Chapter closed and all the Sisters gather in the courtyard for the group photo (the Chapter animator is in the second photo). PHOTOS ALBUM

August 14 – Madagascar: Provincial chapter in Madagascar: a few photos: a reflection group, congratulatory time, festive cake and tam tam. PHOTOS ALBUM

Below, various videos: dances, thanksgiving songs, procession with festive cake…  Dancing in the dining room: VIDEO
thanksgiving song in the chapel : VIDEO
The Sisters dance with Sr Anny : VIDEO
Dancing in the Novitiate courtyard: VIDEO
Dessert arrives with the farandole. The image is darkened because of a power cut. VIDEO

August 12 – Madagascar : The Provincial Council has been elected in Madagascar: Sr. Marie Rose, Sr. Berthine, and Sr Élisabeth. In the second photo, they join Sr Anny, Superior General, and Sr Gabrielle Marie, new Provincial. Thank you, Sisters! Providence will continue to guide you.

August 11 – Madagascar – Election of the Provincial Superior: Sr Gabrielle Marie Photos ALBUM
Blessing of Sr Gabrielle Marie by Sr Anny:  VIDEO
Thanksgiving song: VIDEO
Procession after the election of Sr Gabrielle Marie: VIDEO

August 10 – Madagascar: The capitulant sisters are entering a final stage before the election of the provincial, scheduled for tomorrow morning, Sunday, immediately after the Sunday Eucharist. This evening, all the sisters present here in Antsohihy, capitulantes and novices, gathered in the chapel for a prayer vigil to the Holy Spirit. VIDEO

August 8 – Madagascar: This afternoon, the Provincial Chapter in Madagascar enters into discernment in view of the election of the Provincial Superior (scheduled for Sunday August 11) with the study of the discernment process, followed by the call of the Capitulantes which marks the entry into this stage lived in a climate of silence, listening to the Holy Spirit and to each other. Sr Anny invites the assembly to build on the 4 pillars of a life of Providence: simplicity, poverty, charity and abandonment to Providence. Thank you for joining us in prayer.

August 5 – Madagascar: The Provincial Chapter continues. The Capitulantes are entering their second week of work. They are looking for concrete ways to embody the Orientation of the 2023 General Chapter in the reality of their places of life and mission. In the second half of the week, they will enter the discernment process in view of the election of the Provincial Superior and her Council. Please join them in prayer. ALBUM PHOTOS

JULY 2024

July 28 – Madagascar: opening of the Provincial Chapter with this Sunday’s festive Eucharist presided over by the parish priest, in the presence of Sisters of the Province and members of the Jean-Martin Moyë Fraternity of Antsohihy. The Capitulantes enter the novitiate chapel in procession, preceded by a group of dancing Novices. After the Eucharist, they join the Chapter Hall, where Sr Alphonse-Marie, Provincial Superior, declares the Chapter open. Please accompany this important event for the Province of Madagascar with your prayers. ALBUM PHOTOS and VIDEO : procession d’entrée à la chapelle.

July 27 – Madagascar: Preparations for the Provincial Chapter continue. The stage is set. Twenty or so sisters are preparing for the event with Sister Perline. Together, they reflect on what it means to take part in a Chapter.





July 25 – Madagascar:
On their way to Antsohihy, Sr Anny and Sr Perline were welcomed in Ambanja by the sisters of the community and representatives of the 210 members of the Fraternité Jean-Martin Moyë in the region, with singing, dancing and the presentation of a welcome lamba and a frangipani flower necklace. In Antsohihy, the sisters from the town’s various communities and the 18 novices awaited them at the novitiate, escorted by their songs and dances. In the photo, Sr Marie-Rose, Sr Jocelyne’s sister, is next to Sr Anny.

July 23 – Madagascar : After a 24-hour journey, Sr Anny and Sr Perline were warmly welcomed by the Hell-Ville community in Nosy Be. Tomorrow, the final leg of their journey: a boat crossing from Nosy Be to the Big Island to reach Antsohihy, where the Provincial Chapter will open on Sunday July 28.

July 15 – France  Provincial Chapter Europe:  Here is the compostion of the new Provincial team : From left to right: Sr Marie Louise WALTER, Sr Evelyne BONNAUDET, Provincial, Sr Béatrice GUTH, Vicar Provincial and Sr Christiane BROSSET.

July 14 – France – Provincial Chapter Europe : Sr Evelyne BONNAUDET is elected Provincial Superior. May God’s Providence accompany her in this responsibility, at the service of all her Sisters. ALBUM PHOTOSand VIDEO

July 13 – France – Provincial Chapter Europe: Today, a day of prayer. Tomorrow, election of the Provincial Superior.

July 11: France : Provincial Chapter of Europe: the Sisters’ work moves them from their tables: in front of the screen they discover the work of all, or they are active spectators and take part in a role-playing game… ALBUM PHOTOS

July 9 – France: Provincial Chapter of Europe: Day of work with lay people linked to the Sisters in various ways: members of the Fraternity, the “Youth and Vocations” group, employees of the Mother House, members of groups reflecting on the future of the Convent, members of the “Friends of Providence” Association, the Economic Council and the Emmaus integration project. ALBUM PHOTOS

July 7 – France : The Sisters of the Province of Europe have been meeting since this morning for the Business Chapter and the election of the Provincial Council. Please remember them in your prayers.

Three videos of the opening celebration of the European Provincial Chapter:

Procession of offerings:

Call of the 30 Capitulantes:

Exit procession:

 JUNE 2024

June 29: The chapel of the Mother House in Saint Jean de Bassel welcomed the European Jubilee Sisters of 75, 70 and 60 years of Religious Life, as well as a Malagasy Sister currently in Community in Poitiers, for her 25 years of Profession. We give thanks for and with them. Below you’ll find a photo album and five videos.Album photos

Sr Odile, Vicar Provincial of the European Province, speaks to the Jubilee Sisters.VIDEO

Sr Odile calls the Jubilee Sisters.VIDEO

Procession of offerings – Malagasy song and dance.VIDEO

The Jubilarians sing: “From my heart sprang this beautiful poem, my whole life, I offer it to the Lord.”VIDEO

Song of thanksgiving led by the Malagasy Sisters: VIDEO

June 22 – USA: The Provincial Chapter of our U.S. Province concluded today with prayers of thanksgiving, the renewal of vows, and singing the Magnificat. And now, onward in hope, joyfully trusting the future to Divine Providence!

June 20 – USA: 3 photos showing the eight Jubilee Sisters,  the new Provincial Team and all the Sisters of the Province with, in the back row on the left, Sr Anny Deutsch, Superior General and Sr Kay, General Councillor.


June 19 – USA: Please join us in praying for our new Provincial Councillors who join Sr. Barbara Rohe, re-elected as Provincial, in leadership of our Province for the next five years. From left to right: Sr. Lynn Stenken, Sr. Mary Cashman, Sr. Margaret Stallmeyer, and Sr. Leslie Keener. Deo Gratias!

June 17 – USA: Please join us in praying with our Sisters in the United States as they meet this week to for the Chapter of Business and election of the Provincial Council.

June 16 – USA: Let us give thanks with our eight Sisters in the United States who celebrated their jubilee: four celebrated 70 years of religious life, four others 60 years.  ALBUM PHOTOS

June 8:  France at Saint Jean de Bassel – PEDAC’s “feux de la musique” (music and dance school) livened up the courtyard of the Mother House, in front of the chapel: ALBUM PHOTOS

VIDEO – Danse des enfants

The “Les Enflammées” show brought the evening to a close: 4 videos below:

Enflammées n° 1

Enflammées n° 2 “saut à la corde”

Enflammées n° 3

Enflammées n° 4 “jonglerie”

June 7 – Feast of the Most Sacred Heart. Today’s Eucharist is for the Congregation and the Associates. “I recommend to you a special devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.” Jean Martin Moyë
Statue of the Sacred Heart in the park of the Mother House.

June 1 – France : The Sisters of the General Team worked all week at the Convent of Saint Jean de Bassel. They prepared the animation of the Congregation and the important meetings for the coming year.

MAY 2024

Happy feast of the Trinity Providence to all Sisters and Associates. Jesus says: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit… And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

France – May 22: The Sisters of the Enghien Community (Paris region) let go their parish priest, appointed bishop of Agen. INTERVIEW (in French)

USA – May 5: Sr. Barbara ROHE was re-elected Provincial Superior for a second five-year term during the Election Chapter in the USA. May God’s Providence leads her in this responsibility, at the service of all her Sisters. ALBUM PHOTOS

May,4 – Happy feastday to all Sisters and Fraternity members on the anniversary of the birth in heaven of our Founder, 231 years ago.
Photo: stained glass window at Cutting – Jean Martin Moyë and the first Sisters

USA: May, 3 – The Provincial Chapter of the Sisters of Providence in the United States begins today. Please keep the Sisters in your prayers. ALBUM PHOTOS

APRIL 2024

France: Fraternité Jean Martin Moyë pilgrimage to Trier (Germany) with the Sisters of Saint John of Bassel. Time of prayer in the Jesuit church where Jean Martin taught seminarians during the French Revolution.

Then a moment of meditation in front of the plaque commemorating Jean Martin’s death in Trier on May 4, 1793.

France : Visit to the elderly Sisters at the Home of Providence in Siersthal. The event, which included a time of prayer, ended with a Malagasy dance.

France: The Sisters’ community house in Enghien (Paris suburb) has been demolished to make way for the construction of the “Porche Malleville”: the Sisters will live in this place, welcoming the parish, resident priests, educational and cultural center. See the article (in French) and photos in the link:

Madagascar: Cyclone “Gamane” hit north of Madagascar. It caused flooding and major damage. Our three communities in this region were spared.

MARCH 2024

France : Bowl of rice evening at the Convent of Saint Jean de Bassel to benefit two elementary school located in the remote countryside near Antsohihy and Analalava, Madagascar. Before presenting the projects for these two schools, the evening began with a welcome dance (video). Those present joined in a prayer for solidarity and peace in our world. A bowl of rice with tomato sauce brought everyone together in the dining room for a fraternal time.

United States: Sister Kay went with nursing students to the U.S.-Mexico border. For a week, they helped migrantS. ALBUM PHOTOS

France: Musical evening at the Café qu’hibou in the Convent of Saint Jean de Bassel, where three artists from the village, “les Tris Marrants”, gave their first concert. The Sisters and the fifty or so others present enjoyed the songs evoking the sea.


France : Two Malagasy sisters took part in a “welcome” session offered to sisters who have recently arrived in France, with the aim of familiarizing them with the host country. Sr Jocelyne and Sr Perline are in the front row of this photo.

Ecuador: Sr Liliane joined a diocese in the Amazon for a month. We wish her many wonderful discoveries!


JANUARY 14, 1762 – JANUARY 14, 2024

On January 14, 1762, Marguerite Lecomte arrived in Saint Hubert, a small hamlet in the Metz region of France. Sent by Jean Martin Moyë, a priest from Lorraine, she entrusted herself entirely to Divine Providence. She opened a school there. Every year, it’s a day of celebration for all the Sisters. The opening of this first school marked the beginning of the Congregation of the Sisters of Divine Providence. Happy feast day to all the Sisters and members of the Fraternities.


The President of the Republic declared a state of emergency and even internal war earlier this week. Escapes, mutinies and hostage-takings have taken place in prisons. Violence has also broken out on city streets. Criminal groups linked to drug trafficking are at the root of this situation. Our sisters Alicia and Liliane share this daily life. They comply with government directives to stay at home as much as possible. Schools are temporarily closed. Our two sisters ask us to join them in a prayer for peace. Further information on Vatican News:


Sisters from around Fianarantsoa – Madagascar gathered to celebrate the New Year.



Sr Lidwine Dellinger celebrates her 100th birthday at the Mother House. The Eucharist is followed by a festive meal: Album photos

Today, in addition to the Sisters, many active volunteers at the retirement home take part in the Eucharist alongside Sr Lidwine:

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